Important: You can access the IP address when: 1) it is your default router IP address, 2) you are connected to your router's Wi-Fi network. If it is not loading, check your network settings and try again.

Brsk Router Login

Brsk web interface allows you to change Wi-Fi password, Network Name (SSID), and default router settings at or Login Login

How to login to Brsk router?

  1. Open a browser and type or in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password and click Login.
  3. You will be logged in to the Brsk router settings.

Note: The IP address, Username, and Password can be found on the sticker on the underside of your router.

Default Brsk Username and Password

Router ModelIP addressUsernamePassword
Icotera i4850192.168.12.1adminadmin
Technicolor DGA0122192.168.1.1admin(Check router's sticker)

How to change Brsk Wi-Fi Password and Network Name?

Select your router:

Icotera i4850

  1. Open a browser and type in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password: admin and click Log in.
  3. Select Settings > Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n. (To configure 5GHz network, select Wi-Fi 802.11ac option.)
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the SSID field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Encryption key field.
  6. Click Apply > Continue.

Technicolor DGA0122

  1. Open a browser and type in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password and click Sign in.
  3. Select Wireless.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the SSID field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Wireless Password field.
  6. Click Save.

For dual-band modems, you need to configure 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks separately.