
EdimaxEXT.Setup is the browser-based configuration interface to setup Edimax Wi-Fi Range Extenders at http://edimaxext.setup.

EdimaxEXT.Setup Login

How to setup Edimax Wi-Fi Extender?

  1. Connect to the “EdimaxEXT.Setup” Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open a browser and type http://edimaxext.setup in the address bar.
  3. Select Get Started.
  4. If your device has different operating modes, select a mode. If not, skip to the next step.
    • Wi-Fi Extender: The device connects wirelessly to your existing network and repeats the wireless signal.
    • Wi-Fi Adapter/Wi-Fi Bridge: The device connects to an Ethernet device such as a games console or smart TV via Ethernet cable and provides wireless Internet access for that device.
    • Wi-Fi Access Point: The device connects to an existing router via Ethernet cable and provides wireless Internet access for your network devices.
  5. Select a 2.4GHz SSID.
  6. Enter your existing Wi-Fi Network Password and click Next.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Your extender has successfully established a connection. You can reconnect to Extender by new SSID name/security key.

How to change Edimax Wi-Fi Password and Network Name (SSID)?

  1. Open a browser and type http://edimaxext.setup in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password: 1234 and click Login.
  3. Select Interface Setup > Wireless. (For dual-band routers, select 2.4GHz Wireless or 5GHz Wireless.)
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the SSID field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Pre-Shared Key field.
  6. Click Save.