
Ntt.setup is the web interface of NTT FLET’S Hikari to change Wi-Fi password, Network Name (SSID), and default router settings at http://ntt.setup.

Ntt.setup Login Login

How to login to NTT router?

  1. Open a browser and type http://ntt.setup in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: user and Password and click Login.
  3. You will be logged in to the NTT router settings.

Note: For WBC V110M and RT-200KI routers, enter “admin” as the username.

The password is set up during the initial settings of the device. If you have forgotten your password, you need to reset your router.

How to change NTT Wi-Fi Password and Network Name (SSID)?

  1. Log in to the router’s settings.
  2. Select 無線LAN設定 > IEEE802.11b/g/n設定 (2.4GHz).
  3. Select 編集.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the 無線ネットワーク名(SSID-1) field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the 事前共有キー(PSK) field.
  6. Click 設定.