Important: You can access the IP address when: 1) it is your default router IP address, 2) you are connected to your router's Wi-Fi network. If it is not loading, check your network settings and try again.

Tangerine Modem Login

Tangerine web interface allows you to change Wi-Fi password, Network Name (SSID), and default modem settings at or Login Login

How to login to Tangerine modem?

  1. Open a browser and type or in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password and click Login.
  3. You will be logged in to the Tangerine modem settings.

Note: The IP address, Username, and Password are printed on a sticker on the back of the modem.

Default Tangerine Username and Password

Modem BrandIP AddressUsernamePassword
Netcomm NF18MESH192.168.20.1adminadmin
TP-Link VR300192.168.1.1adminadmin
Inseego 5G Wi-Fi M2000 network's password)

How to change Tangerine Wi-Fi Password and Network Name?

Select your modem:

Netcomm NF18MESH

  1. Open a browser and type http://cloudmesh.home or in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password: admin and click Login.
  3. Select Wireless.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the Name field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Password field.
  6. Click Save.
  1. Open a browser and type or in the address bar.
  2. Enter the password you set for your modem and click Log in. Otherwise, check the default username and password on the sticker of your modem.
  3. Select Basic > Wireless.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the Network Name (SSID) field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Password field.
  6. Click Save.

Amazon Eero 6+

Note: Eero modems currently do not support a web interface. To change any default settings, you need to install the Eero mobile app on Android or iOS.

  1. Install the Eero app from Google Play, Apple App Store, or Amazon Appstore.
  2. Create an Eero account or Log In with your Amazon account.
  3. Tap “Settings” or “Network Settings” from the menu.
  4. Select “Wifi name” and enter the Wi-Fi Network Name and click Save.
  5. Select “Wifi password” and enter the Wi-Fi password and click Save.

Inseego 5G Wi-Fi M2000

  1. Open a browser and type http://my.mifi or in the address bar.
  2. Click Sign In (upper-right) and enter the Admin Password and click Sign In. (The default Admin password is the same as the primary Wi-Fi network’s password. To find your Admin Password, select the Help option from the home screen of your MiFi device. Select Admin Website. The Admin password will be displayed.)
  3. On the web UI Home page, select Wi-Fi.
  4. Select the Primary Network tab.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the Primary Network Name (SSID) field.
  6. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Password field.
  7. Click Save Changes.

BYO Modem/Router Settings Guide