Armstrong Router Login

Armstrong web interface allows you to change Wi-Fi password, Network Name (SSID), and default router settings at or Login Login

How to login to Armstrong router?

  1. Open a browser and type or in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username and Password and click Login.
  3. You will be logged in to the Armstrong router settings.

Note: The IP address, Username, and Password are printed on the sticker on the back of the router.

Default Armstrong Username and Password

Modem BrandIP AddressUsernamePassword
Hitron CGNM-2250192.168.0.1cusadmin(Check modem label)
ARRIS Touchstone CM8200192.168.0.1adminpassword
NETGEAR CM1000routerlogin.netadminpassword
Motorola MB8600192.168.100.1adminmotorola

How to change Armstrong Wi-Fi Password and Network Name?

Select your router:

Hitron CGNM-2250

  1. Open a browser and type in the address bar.
  2. Enter the User Name: cusadmin and Password and click Login. The password is printed on a label on the front of your modem.
  3. Select Wireless > Basic Settings > 2.4G or 5G.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the Network Name (SSID) field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Password field.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Arris DG2470A

  1. Open a browser and type in the address bar.
  2. Enter the User Name: admin and Password: password and click Apply.
  3. Select Wireless > Basic Setup.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the Wireless Network Name (SSID) field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Pre-Shared Key field.
  6. Click Apply.


  1. Open a browser and type in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password: password and click Login.
  3. Select BASIC > WIreless.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the Name (SSID) field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Password (Network Key) field.
  6. Click Apply.

Motorola MB8600

  1. Open a browser and type in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password: motorola and click Login.
  3. Select Wi-Fi > Basic Settings.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the Wi-Fi Network Name field.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the Password field.
  6. Click Save.